New Crosshairs  --  Replace / Redesign 


rl2.gif (4312 bytes)
bullbkgd.gif (1097 bytes)

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h EZ Quake
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h QUAKE 2 
h Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
h h
h Add New X-hairs
h Create a New Pak
hh Center Aim Alias
h Multiplayer FAQ
h D/L Pak Explorer
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h Page 1 2 3 4 5
h h
h Pure Server X-hairs
h Page 1 2 3
h h
h Change the Q3 Hairs
h Design a New One
h Create a New pk3
h X-Hair Scripts
h D/L Paint Shop Pro V4.1
h D/L Winzip
h D/L Q3 Demo
bottom9.gif (919 bytes)

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h Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
h h
h D/L Sprite Viewer
h D/L Sprite Wizard
h D/L Redesign Kit
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    Page 1 2 3
h Crosshair Structure
h Changing the Crosshair
  Changing the Color
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    UT 3 DEMO
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h  Elite Force
h  Far Cry
h  Jedi Knight II
h  King Pin
h  Medal of Honor
h  Ret. to Castle Wolfenstein
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h Send me your x-hairs
h h
h bullbut1.gif (1370 bytes)
h Tip Jar
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Friends of The BullsEyE

Crosshairs for Q3 Pure Servers
(sv_pure set to "1")

( traduisez,  ubersetzen,  tradurre,   traduza,  traduzca )

What is a Pure Server?

 A pure server is set up to prevent graphic hack cheating.  When you attempt to join a pure server the servers computer will check your baseq3 folder for pk3 files.  It looks at your files in two ways.  First it looks for file names.   If you have any that the server does not also have, those unmatched file names on your hard drive will not execute.  In other words, you'll still be able to join the pure server, but your custom pk3 files will not work. The game will use the default graphics instead.  Second, it checks the file size of your pak0.pk3 file.  If the size of your pak0 does not match the size of the one on the server, you will not be allowed to join the server at all.  (HINT- don't alter your pak0.)  There are some shaders used in certain add-on models/skins that may prevent you from joining a pure server even if the server has that file. Some kind of bug.   If you get rejected and know that your pak0.pk3 is pure, try removing any model/skin files you have added.  That may be the cause.

How Can I Play at a Pure Server With a Custom Crosshair?

To use custom crosshairs( or any custom graphic) at a pure server you must make sure the servers you play at have the same custom graphic file you are using.    So that server operators will not have to deal with hundreds or even thousands of possible players asking them to load their custom crosshair file,  I have arranged most of the best crosshairs from the site into paks of 9 for players, and a single zip for servers.  Spread the word to any server operators you know about the server pak.    Once they load that onto their server, you can use any of the 18 paks on the next three pages at pure servers.  You can, of course, use these crosshair Player Paks at non pure servers as well to give you multiple crosshair choices within the game. And for instructions on building your own multi-crosshair pk3 file, see the Design a New One section, #6.


Server Download:   UPDATED 7/12/2001   Two new paks added.

7/12/01   FULL --  svhair14.zip  -- 110kb --   If you are running a server, extract the pk3 files in this zip into your baseq3 folder.    Download this file for your server if you haven't downloaded a previous svhair file from this site, or if you're not sure which svhair file you have .

7/12/01 UPGRADE  --  svhup14.zip -- 5kb   --  Adds Fraginstein's green assortment pak and the small square, round, and diamond shapes by DoA-OLDFAHRT. Download this if you have previously downloaded the svhup13.zip update.

2/26/00 UPGRADE --  svhup13.zip  -- 3kb  --   Adds Player Pak 16 by Jack Clark.  Download this file for your server if you previouisly downloaded the svhup12.zip upgrade.

1/15/00   UPGRADE -- svhup12.zip.  --  29kb --  Adds Essobie's crosshairs from his sobpak7.pk3 along with the original Q3 hairs as pakz.pk3 for server operator use.


Player Download  UPDATED 7/12/01

Browse through the groups of crosshairs on the next few pages and choose the player pak you like best.  Extract the pk3 file into your baseq3 folder.  Each pak contains 9 crosshairs called crosshairb.tga thru crosshairj.tga.  These crosshairs will always work at servers that have the Pure Server option turned "off".  They will only work at Pure Servers if the server has the exact same pk3 file on their system.  If they don't work at your favorite server, contact the owner or admin and ask him to get the svhair14.zip file above.     Any alteration of these files will cause the crosshairs not to work at pure servers.

If you don't see your favorite crosshairs here,
them in!

Only the multi crosshair paks can be downloaded here.  Individual crosshairs within each Player Pak are all available in the regular Q3 section.  Or you can download the zip file here and extract what your need.

q3hair13.gif (905 bytes) q3hair20.gif (925 bytes) crosshair.gif (1451 bytes) alanh2.gif (946 bytes) phisys.gif (2547 bytes) Player Pak 1
x-virge.gif (1330 bytes) mal1.gif (2176 bytes) rjc22.gif (881 bytes) cerb4.gif (1478 bytes) download this group
as bullsi1.zip


q3xhair3.gif (920 bytes) xhair4.gif (978 bytes) crosshair.gif (992 bytes) ricke3.gif (3066 bytes) cerb34.png (1864 bytes) Player Pak 2
fun1.gif (153 bytes) mcapple.gif (978 bytes) mcsq3.gif (976 bytes) lotek1.jpg (1110 bytes) download this group
as bullsi2.zip


CirCleREDcrosshairj.gif (968 bytes) cerb22.png (979 bytes) samch1.gif (134 bytes) samch3.gif (119 bytes) crosshair2.gif (911 bytes) Player Pak 3
cerb30.png (1174 bytes) crosshair.gif (1460 bytes) cerb2.gif (1482 bytes) xblu3.jpg (1379 bytes) download this group
as bullsi3.zip


tbird.gif (897 bytes) daz2.gif (988 bytes) xblu4.jpg (1382 bytes) ch15.gif (149 bytes) ch8.gif (114 bytes) Player Pak 4
q3menu.gif (1980 bytes) cerb24.png (1067 bytes) cerb3.gif (1481 bytes) sam128ch4.gif (279 bytes) download this group as bullsi4.zip


mcrnd1.gif (1041 bytes) mcsq1.gif (949 bytes) lotek2.jpg (1137 bytes) grCROSScrosshairj.gif (892 bytes) ch11.gif (116 bytes) Player Pak 5
sam64ch1.gif (243 bytes) cerb26.png (950 bytes) cerb29.png (1003 bytes) mcow.gif (2152 bytes) download this group
as bullsi5.zip

MORE Pure Server Crosshairs-- Page 1 2 3



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